
Good life habits  Hi people! My name is Meggan Pepin.  Today, I felt like writing about an interesting article I read. Here is the URL source if you want to read it:   The theme of the text is good habits. I found out that 40 % of what we do every day are habits, which means, are things we do by default, without really questioning ourselves. The writer addresses a few habits we would all benefit from integrating into our routines. For example, the first subject he touches is drinking water right after waking up in the morning. It's interesting because the author explained why it is beneficial to adopt this habit, after bringing up each of them. In this case, the reason is that during the time we sleep, our body experiences mild dehydration. Drinking water helps regulate body temperature, gives nutrients, improves mood, and improves sleep quality.  The author then does the same thing with other habit

Meggan's blog about the current shortage of pain reducing medication for children

Parents worry about the shortage Hi people! My name is Meggan and I will write about an interesting article I read on the CBC News website. fever-medication-children-babies-1.6604259   Within the last few months, pharmacies have been running out of kids medication.  Some parents are worrying, thinking it is the only option to relieve their children of the pain they feel as the flu season is starting. Mostly, the acetaminophen and ibuprofen for little ones disappeared from the shelves of some stores. By these types of medication, we mean liquid Tylenol or Advil and chewable tablets. Professionals are trying to reassure anxious parents and tell them the viruses usually go away on their own. Also, backup options exist. In my opinion, parents have a reason to worry about their children. They must think that if they see that their child is in pain, this kind of medicine is the only remedy so that he can rest and fully recover from the flu. It is hard to see young children cry and get frustr

Meggan Pepin's blog about specialised education

 Lafortune family H i readers! My name is Meggan Pepin.  Since I was young, each time I visited my grand-parents, I got to interact with people who have intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Charles Lafortune and his wife, Sophie Prégent have a son who has an autism spectrum disorder. Their "non-standard" family interested me since I knew about it through the show called "Autiste Bientôt Majeur". Knowing how much time and love it takes to take care of their 21 years-old only child, they took the initiative to create a show that brings to light the reality of many Quebecers families. Recently, they discovered another problematic to Mathis's health.  The parents decided to open on the challenges year 2021 brought. The URL of the source I refer to: le-fils-de-charles-lafortune-et-sophie-pregent-atteint-dun-autre-probleme-de-sante-grave   Summary from the source:  One day, Lafortune found his son on the bathroom, convulsing. His father didn’t know wh