Meggan Pepin's blog about specialised education

 Lafortune family

Autiste : tomber dans le vide ou… prendre son envol à 21 ans | Desjardins

Hi readers! My name is Meggan Pepin. 

Since I was young, each time I visited my grand-parents, I got to interact with people who have intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Charles Lafortune and his wife, Sophie Prégent have a son who has an autism spectrum disorder. Their "non-standard" family interested me since I knew about it through the show called "Autiste Bientôt Majeur". Knowing how much time and love it takes to take care of their 21 years-old only child, they took the initiative to create a show that brings to light the reality of many Quebecers families. Recently, they discovered another problematic to Mathis's health. The parents decided to open on the challenges year 2021 brought.

AUTISTE, BIENTÔT MAJEUR : un nouveau document-réalité cet automne sur MOI  ET CIE -
The URL of the source I refer to:

Summary from the source: 

One day, Lafortune found his son on the bathroom, convulsing. His father didn’t know what to do and his wife was not home, filming for a project. Everything came to normal after about one long minute, letting Charles worrying about his son’s health. This event reproduced itself on another day. Mathis's mom had to take his 6 feet 4 son in the shower. This time, Mathis stopped breathing for about 20 seconds. The couple thinks the main cause to these epileptic episodes is Mathis’s new medication. We hope they will find a solution so that the family will live better, without constantly worrying about the episode's come back.

Une vidéo du fils de Charles Lafortune et Sophie Prégent Mathis en pleine  crise fait le tour du Web - Monde de Stars

My opinion:

In my point of view, this kind of event is really stressful. When you know that someone close to you has health problems, you often feel vulnerable. I think that, if we asked to parents what would be their wish if we could promise them that it will be fulfilled, many would answer "I want my children to be healthy". Imagine the concern when you don't even know what causes the problem. When your child lies on the floor, shaking, when you see his eyes going up and down really fast under his lids, it surely is traumatic. Especially for parents who already live many challenges about the initial condition of their child, day after day, I can understand the anxiety Mrs. Prégent and Mr. Lafortune must feel. This kind of event never happened in this family. Both parents were looking at Mathis while he was convulsing, not knowing what to do. For the mom, it must have been difficult seeing her son become red and purple when he stopped breathing. The only thing she could do at this moment, was to wish he would start breathing again.

Comme «une bombe qui éclate» selon Sophie Prégent | TVA Nouvelles

A question for you: 

Why did Mrs. Prégent brought her son in the shower when he did a second epileptic episode?




  1. Hi! My name is Jade Lacroix and I will be commenting on your blog! :)

  2. To answer your question, Mrs. Sophie Prégent brought Mathis into the shower, her son, because he was having an attack; in which he was screaming, hitting himself, and stomping hard on the ground. The shower calms him down, which is the reason she brought him there.

    After reading the informative source you provided, I would have to agree with your opinion. I used to be friends with a family who took care of people with disabilities, and I can truly see how hard and challenging it can be. What Mathis’ parents went through while discovering his new medical condition must have been truly scary and stressful! Not to mention that epilepsy is an unpredictable condition as well! Like Mrs. Prégent said in this Showbizz article ‘’ It is not a slim thing to see your kid of 6 feet 4 crash down in front of you, not understanding what is going on. ‘’

    I can't begin to imagine how she felt at that moment, confused, stressed, and hesitant about what she should be doing...


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