Good life habits 

Hi people! My name is Meggan Pepin. 

Today, I felt like writing about an interesting article I read. Here is the URL source if you want to read it: 

The theme of the text is good habits. I found out that 40 % of what we do every day are habits, which means, are things we do by default, without really questioning ourselves. The writer addresses a few habits we would all benefit from integrating into our routines. For example, the first subject he touches is drinking water right after waking up in the morning. It's interesting because the author explained why it is beneficial to adopt this habit, after bringing up each of them. In this case, the reason is that during the time we sleep, our body experiences mild dehydration. Drinking water helps regulate body temperature, gives nutrients, improves mood, and improves sleep quality. 

10 Easy Ways To Drink More Water In 2021 - Riverside Medical Clinic

The author then does the same thing with other habits, such as meditating daily, walking outdoors, doing physical activity, eating more vegetables and fruits, listening to nature sounds, listening to relaxing music at night, learning something new every day, spending quality time with our loved ones and get enough sleep. 

Stop Setting Goals And Start Building Habits - Focus

What also caught my attention while reading is the relevance of providing ways to achieve our goals concerning the good habits presented. Since the writer convinces us with powerful arguments, it is great to have access to advice on how to achieve them. For example, when he brings up the point that eating fruits and vegetables is great due to the vitamins and minerals it is composed of, he doesn't ignore the fact that it can cost a lot to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. 

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He suggests enjoying fresh ones when they are on sale, and when they are not, to at least buy canned or frozen ones. He also brings up the point of purchasing in-season produce, because it is a cheaper option. After writing about the other habits from his list, the writer suggests four other tips that are more general to make our habits stick. The information presented is again relevant, because of the reference he does to a psychology researcher named Phillippa Lally, that says it takes about two months to integrate a new thing into our daily life. He then writes about the advice to start with a low objective. When you decide to become more active, starting with an easy task, such as stretching every day for only one minute is 

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Remembering your objective to your self to keep your motivation is recommended. Finally, the more important thing is to do it for yourself. That way, you increase productivity and the ability to solve problems effectively. 

Can you name advice on how to get enough sleep?

Thank you for reading me!
