
Showing posts from September, 2022

Meggan Pepin's blog about specialised education

 Lafortune family H i readers! My name is Meggan Pepin.  Since I was young, each time I visited my grand-parents, I got to interact with people who have intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Charles Lafortune and his wife, Sophie Prégent have a son who has an autism spectrum disorder. Their "non-standard" family interested me since I knew about it through the show called "Autiste Bientôt Majeur". Knowing how much time and love it takes to take care of their 21 years-old only child, they took the initiative to create a show that brings to light the reality of many Quebecers families. Recently, they discovered another problematic to Mathis's health.  The parents decided to open on the challenges year 2021 brought. The URL of the source I refer to: le-fils-de-charles-lafortune-et-sophie-pregent-atteint-dun-autre-probleme-de-sante-grave   Summary from the source:  One day, Lafortune found his son on the bathroom, convulsing. His father didn’t know wh